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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Chocolate CheeseCake Recipe ! Super Easy !

Let's make a chocolate cheesecake recipe !  Easy to do, so follow along !

We'll make our chocolate cheesecake, and then top it off with a rich and delicious chocolate ganache.  Yum !

I baked the cheesecake for 1 hour 15 minutes.

As always, step by step instruction, detailed but easy to follow, so come on ! let's get started ! :-)

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Here's a clickable link that you saw at the end of this video:

Triple Chocolate Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake Recipe !

Yes ! a gluten-free chocolate cake, with not 1 type of chocolate, but 3 chocolates !

You WILL impress your friends with this cake, if not, I'll come to your house and bake it for you :-)

This cake is so good you will never ever guess it has NO flour in it ! I use cocoa powder, chocolate chips, and to top it off a chocolate buttercream ( Wilton buttercream recipe )

One bite and you will be a believer, believe it !

I show you step by step instruction from start to finish, detailed and easy to follow.

Come on ! you are in for a true chocolate trip !

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