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Friday, May 17, 2013

Triple Chocolate Gluten-Free Chocolate Cake Recipe ! - TRUE Chocolate Heaven ! 
Video recipe

Yes ! a gluten-free chocolate cake, with not 1 type of chocolate, but 3 chocolates !

You WILL impress your friends with this cake, if not, I'll come to your house and bake it for you :-)

This cake is so good you will never ever guess it has NO flour in it ! I use cocoa powder, chocolate chips, and to top it off a chocolate buttercream ( Wilton buttercream recipe )

One bite and you will be a believer, believe it !

I show you step by step instruction from start to finish, detailed and easy to follow.

Come on ! you are in for a true chocolate trip !

Are you a mobile user ? 
Here's a clickable link that you saw at the end of this video:

Wilton chocolate buttercream recipe. This is Wilton's official chocolate buttercream recipe from their website. I'll show you from start to finish how easy it is to make. This chocolate buttercream is very rich, moist and just delicious ! Come on ! I"ll make it for you !

Is this the best chocolate buttercream recipe ? That's up to you :-) All I can say is this chocolate buttercream is so delicious you can eat it with a spoon :-) Really ! :-)

If you head over to Wilton's website, you'll see this exact recipe there. I show you in full detail how to make this super and yummy chocolate butter cream.


  1. hi just wanted to know I want to make your sponge cake recipe on a 30 cm square tin should I double your recipe ings I need your help ty

  2. Hello, I posted a response to your question on the video, check my Youtube video recipe, in the comments section, where you asked the question. I hope the info is ok. Thanks for watching !

  3. Hello, I just watched your video in French Pastry Cream and read several of the comments. I really appreciate the kindness, patience, and joy you display with your commenters/ audience. That matters as much or more than just what you are teaching. Wow, I find it interesting that you are more comfortable with metric measurements. I have been well versed in metric for 2/3 of my life but still think in "cups" , need to go cold turkey I guess!

  4. Hi there, I guess you will never get this response as you are not signed in, but thanks. I will assumed you are Canadian and are maybe 45-50 years of age. That would be around right in terms of when Canada switched over to the metric system. I still think in cups, still talk about hot weather in degrees F, but use degrees C to talk about cold weather :-) Thanks very much for watching ! I appreciate it. I've stopped posting to this blog, as seems like it has a declining membership because of Google +. I post all the time on my wordpress blog though and my Youtube channel.

  5. Saw it (gotta bake this soon!) Not Canadian (does that mean I'm polite), just a Chemical Engineer by training, and then you were eerily close on the age ;). I will get my kids to help me comment on your other blogs (in whatever way is deemed electronically safe, after all one of my kids has a blog on Wordpress) And we will all be BAKING, Thanks again for sharing with the whole world. Frances

  6. And somehow my daughter is glad that THIS one doesn't involve beating egg whites to a meringue-like texture, which she sees as a bit intense. Also, it is "rightsized" since the other half of the family does not understand our chocolate obsession -- and I'm going to try it with an 83% chocolate from TJs :) Frances
